The ‘concrete’ goals


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I completed blogging 101 course in January and since doing it, I have increased my followers, posts and dedicated time to themes, widgets, colours and the over all look and feel of my blog and I am beginning to feel comfortable with it, but I still need a lot of guidance and prompting so I have joined blogging 201 February.

The first assignment is to set ourselves 3 concrete goals, so here are mine (let’s hope I can achieve them):

1. Establish a new weekly feature on my blog by December 31st (Music Mondays) and publish that feature each week for 1 month

2. Increase my average daily hits 20% by the end of 2015

3. Spend one hour each week visiting my followers’ blogs, reading their posts, and commenting on their work, from now until April 1st

Fingers crossed I will achieve all of these





Music Monday


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This weekend I have been mainly decorating, painting walls and furniture and stripping wallpaper (which is taking FOVEVER!!!!) so I have had the radio on a lot to ease the boredom of wallpaper stripping.  The radio, if I am honest never inspires me or even motivates me as no matter what station you listen too, they always repeat everything, so this week my first music Monday track was from a film we watched ‘John Wick’.  I really enjoyed the film but there was one song in it that reminded me of my youth.

The song was called ‘Killing strangers’ by Marilyn Manson (a massive influence in my life since about 12 years of age)

I love this song and his voice, it brings back such good memories and I have been looking back a lot today as it is my birthday and that’s what we seem to do the older we get.

Music Monday


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A post that will be scheduled every week, for you all to get to know me ‘that’ much more.  I will publish a post based on 1 tune that rocked my weekend, this could be anything from classical, jazz, rock, indie, punk, pop or any other genre of music that takes my fancy, in the hope that it will regulate my blogging, focus me and just make people giggle!

Please feel free to contact me and let me know what tune rocked your world every weekend!

Thanks in advance


My dream dinner party


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dream dinner partyToday’s assignment in blogging 101 was to follow on from what we published on Monday where we had to use a Daily Prompt as a starting point. Today, we are to explore that same prompt through the eyes of our fellow bloggers.

Although I didn’t want to do that because I fell upon a fellow blogger named Lance Greenfield who for his Monday post, published his dream dinner and I was having so much fun trying to create mine that I lost interest in my initial post (A moment in time…which to be fair was a tad boring and lacked direction).

So here it is, my dream dinner party for 6 of my favourite writers/artists/musicians/other notable figures, dead or alive. Continue reading

A moment in time


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jan 20 2015                                                        I kid you not, this is the last picture I have taken!!!!

There is a story behind this too, trust me.

Like many people I own a smartphone (and a pretty decent one at that too! Sony Xperia Z3 with an amazing 20.7mp camera on it). I digress, the phone has basically replaced my actually camera and so I take pictures ALL the time and today was no exception.

I told you there would be a story behind this random photo…It all started when I asked my husband to take away the world’s ugliest fireplace and surround (note the cream section on the wall to the left of the gadgets in said picture).  He happily removed it and filled in the holes left in the wall (that were making the house very cold).  So we are now left with a square blank wall, so I thought in my infinite wisdom today I would move the kids toy chest in front of it until I had decided what wallpaper to replace the old with (a whole other story!!!! See the samples I have on the wall at this present time!).DSC_0244And herein lay the problem, my husband was on a training course and I had a 1-year-old for help! So, knowing that I would get something wrong or get distracted I took a photo of where all the cables should end up before I took everything apart to move and clean.

I thought I had done pretty well, it took me a lot longer than I had hoped but I did it and even managed to get everything working, that is unless you wanted to watch TV… that I cocked up and am still trying to get channels on it! oops

This post was a Daily Prompt I saw today and thought it was quite appropriate after today’s challenge

Tomorrow I need to decide on a wallpaper…………………………………………………..

My Dream Dinner

Hmm, who would I invite to my dream dinner party? Roald Dahl? Bruce Lee? Charlie Chaplin maybe? hmm, so many choices I may have to deliberate over it some more. Whilst I am doing that, have a read of Lance’s Dream dinner

Write to Inspire

I like to play the game: “Who would you invite to dinner? No limits”

I even ask the question at interviews. The answers can be quite revealing.

So let me expose myself. You may interpret my answer as you wish.

SatchmoMy first two guests would be Louis Armstrong and my mother, June Lawrence, who was an accomplished classical and jazz pianist. What a brilliant duet they would make for our after dinner entertainment. Could it get any better?

Well, yes, it could!

feynman-wI would also invite Richard P Feynman, my lifelong hero. This man was a true genius with so many facets. If you don’t know him, or you don’t understand why I can make such a statement, I suggest that you read Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman! 

In addition to all of his other amazing talents, Feynman also played the bongos to a very high standard…

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